

Transit Bipartition Surgery

Some patients suffering from morbid obesity also suffer from type 2 diabetes. Both diseases belong to the so-called multiple chronic metabolic diseases – lipometabolic disorders also fall under this category. Consequently, the entire body suffers from this influence: from the individual organs, through the joints that have to bear the entire load, to the psyche, which must never be ignored within this context! As a result, obese people are often excluded from society, find poor connections or a job, and they rarely escape this problems without professional help. We at Aesthetic Travel would like to help you to get your life back under control. With the help of metabolic surgery, especially the transit bipartition to Santoro, both we and our entire team of doctors in Turkey would like to help you to have stable health. Just talk to us!

Metabolic surgery – what is it?

Metabolic surgery is a surgical intervention on an anatomically functionally normal organ system or organ in order to exert a positive influence on health through specific biological metabolic processes. Obesity surgery is also part of metabolic surgery – especially because it is efficient in reducing weight. In combination with a secondary disease (e.g. diabetes), such an intervention also promotes to stop the disease. This means that these gastric operations primarily serve to regulate the metabolism, which can significantly improve the general quality of life and prolong life expectancy.

Your gastrosurgical diabetes treatment in Turkey

In addition to a duodenojunal bypass and ileum interposition, transit bipartition is also part of metabolic obesity surgery. The focus here is on the treatment of patients suffering from a serious chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus. From a medical point of view, many positive effects are achieved with this procedure; patients are also highly satisfied with the results here in Turkey. Do you have any questions? – No problem. We at Aestehtic Travel will be happy to advise you!

Transit bipartition procedure

In German, transit bipartition means “intestinal division” – a procedure in which the intestine is effectively diverted. At the beginning, a tube stomach surgery is performed. In a further step, a connection is established between the lower small intestine and the lower part of the stomach. The small intestine near the connection to the large intestine (about 80-200 cm of the proximal) is severed and divided into two parts. Then the upper end – coming from the stomach – is connected to the large intestine. The distance varies from patient to patient, as each body is individual. Due to the intestinal bifurcation of the intestine, the food can now either pass the normal way (~ 1/3) via the pylorus, duodenum and small intestine, or it can pass directly (~ 2/3) to the lower end of the small intestine. Here hormonal mechanisms are activated, which both lead to a premature feeling of satiety and accelerate the improvement of the metabolic situation in the body. Since the food is also digested in the normal way, this new process does not cause malabsorption!

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