Gastric Bypass Surgery
There are many obesity surgery procedures (e.g. gastric balloon, gastric banding) – each with different advantages and disadvantages. The aim of all of them is to overcome obesity and to continuously relieve physical impairments. In addition, with the help of professional gastric operations, an inner balance of the patient is to be adjusted, which helps to eliminate psychosocial stressors and to create a controlled personal well-being.
The gastro-operative bypass techniques, which we also offer in Turkey, help to reduce the intake of fats and carbohydrates to such an extent that you can permanently minimize your weight. In general, the following types of gastric bypass techniques are differentiated by our Aesthetic Travel Team:
Gastric bypass
Mini bypass or omega bypass
Duodenal Switch
Biliopancreatic Diversion
Gastric Bypass – efficient and lasting weight loss for sure
The gastric bypass is a bypass technique that is the most commonly used surgical procedure in Turkey and other countries. However, it is also the most complex gastric surgery. For gastric bypass, a specialist surgeon reduces the size of the stomach so that it only holds about 15-20 ml. The remaining stomach is then sutured with a deeper small intestine loop so that the duodenum is excluded from digestion. This is also known as a bypass. Due to the exclusion of the duodenum, food and digestive juices, i.e. the secretions responsible for enzymatic cleavage, are only mixed in the middle small intestine. This is the primary reason why calorie intake is lower. We at Aesthetic Travel are your personal contact for questions concerning gastric bypass, balanced diet and exercise (including professional nutrition and sports plans). We are always glad to advise you in detail. Just contact us or send us an e-mail.
Important factors related to the Gastric Bypass
As with any other surgical procedure, our specialists in Turkey must discuss all important key data with you in advance. In addition, it is incredibly important to Aesthetic Travel to advise you comprehensively so that you feel comfortable and safe during your treatment and during your entire stay with us. In addition, our surgical team of doctors will give you a general anamnesis so that any complications can be largely excluded.
Who is considered suitable for a Gastric Bypass?
In general, those suffering from obesity – i.e. with at least a body mass index (BMI) of 40 (40 kg/m2) or severe physical deficits at a BMI value of 35 – especially over a longer period – may undergo bariatric surgery for health reasons.
What are the disadvantages of a Gastric Bypass?
Above all, a restrictive intervention should be carefully considered, as it cannot be reversed afterwards. Everyone must be aware that this is an anatomical change that will last a lifetime. However, a qualitative improvement in the quality of life is also guaranteed, as you will definitely gradually lose weight! It is also important to mention that especially with a gastric bypass not only the calorie and fat intake is reduced, but also the intake and absorption of nutrients is significantly reduced. This means that a deficiency may occur without additional intake of dietary supplements. Do you have any questions? – No problem. Contact your Aesthetic Travel team.
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