

Gastric Balloon Surgery

Many people suffer from obesity – and this despite repeated attempts to completely change their diet, to constantly do without sugar and to exercise regularly. No matter how it looks to the outside world, your own quality of life is always affected. We at Aestehtic Travel would like to offer you various possibilities how you can get your life and your weight back under control with the help of a surgical procedure – just contact us! One of the restrictive techniques of gastric surgery that we offer our patients in Turkey is the so-called gastric balloon. A gastric balloon is an oval capsule that you can either swallow or have a gastroscopy performed by a specialist. This is then filled with a suitable substance. Usually this is a gas or air mixture, or a saline solution. Since a gastric balloon is only a small operation, which takes about 30 minutes, you can leave our practice on the same day. To avoid risks, the gastric balloon will be removed by your specialist in Turkey after about 3-6 months. This is particularly necessary because otherwise possible irritations of the gastric mucosa can occur, which can cause nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting. The costs of inserting a gastric balloon are individual and depend on various factors. If you are interested, just ask our Aesthetic Travel Team!

Advantages & Requirements for a Gastric balloon

In order to be able to use a gastric balloon with us in Turkey, various requirements apply: Among other things, you should also suffer from obesity from a medical point of view – that is, have a body mass index (BMI) of at least 40 (equivalent to 40 kg/m2). Or, a BMI of 35, which is linked to severe health restrictions. Furthermore, you must be of legal age and have reached the age of 18. Other factors are the exclusion of mental illness, the use of drugs and alcohol and an age limit of a maximum of 65 years. Until then, however, you should inform yourself in advance about the course of treatment, possible risks and side effects as well as the change in your previous life. Of course, our Aestehtic Travel team will be pleased if we can give you detailed advice in this context!

What are the advantages of a gastric balloon?

By means of the balloon placed in the stomach, a faster feeling of satiety is signalled to the body (through the balloon contact with the stomach sensors), so that this restrictive treatment method can be regarded as a kind of supporting measure for the change of diet. You can leave the practice on the same day and adapt your life step by step to the new conditions. Furthermore, complications only rarely occur when inserting a gastric balloon. In addition, this procedure does not cause any anatomical changes! Plus that the capsule is simply removed after a certain period of time.

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