

Breast augmentation by your specialists in Turkey

You have long thought about having your breast enlarged according to your personal ideas and would like to have your dream of the perfect cleavage fulfilled with a safe and gentle operation, which is carried out by an experienced beauty specialist in Turkey?

Our team at Aesthetic Travel is in close contact with the most renowned cosmetic surgeons in Turkey and will be glad to help you establish these contacts. Just talk to us about it.


Breast augmentation – From consultation to individual treatment concept

The breast augmentation in Turkey should correspond exactly to your personal ideas and wishes later, therefore, the cosmetic surgeons from Turkey deal with all aspects of the breast surgery in a comprehensive and personal consultation: from your wishes for a dreamlike cleavage over the physical and health conditions up to the implant material as well as the surgical technique. Possible risks or alternative treatment techniques will be discussed, as well as the costs incurred for breast augmentation in Turkey, about which we will inform you separately on our website. In this way, the Turkish beauty specialists develop an individually adapted treatment concept for each individual patient.

Breast implants – Pay attention to quality and longevity!

The continuous medical development and improvement of breast augmentation techniques enable cosmetic surgeons in Turkey to select from a large pool of breast implants just the right one for your wishes and to shape your breast with it. You want to enjoy your well-formed breast for a long time, so the choice of the size, shape and surface texture of the implant is of decisive importance for the long-term success of this cosmetic surgery. Their Turkish cosmetic surgeons use quality-tested breast implants from leading manufacturers.


How do your plastic surgeons proceed with breast augmentation?

Turkish breast surgeons can look back on many years of expertise in this field and are particularly sensitive to their patients as well as to the modelling of harmonious breast proportions.

With regard to breast augmentation, the preparation, surgical procedure and aftercare of patients are carried out within a framework that fully complies with European medical-technical standards. Every single step is carried out with care and attention to detail by the plastic surgeons in order to present you with the convincing result of your cosmetic surgery at the end of the treatment.

Breast augmentation in Turkey – Surgical intervention

Your plastic surgeons will put you under general anesthesia for this procedure, whereby you can be treated both as an outpatient and as an inpatient. An anaesthesia team is available to provide the necessary information, support during the operation and aftercare.

The breast implant selected by you and your treating breast surgeon is placed above or below the chest muscle, depending on the findings, with the incision being made in natural wrinkles so that no conspicuous scars are visible after the operation.

Natural-looking result

The optimal procedure of your surgeons leads to a natural looking result of your breast surgery. These results are very far from the obvious “silicone bosom”! You can enjoy your new body feeling in all features, and after a short acclimatization period you will consider the breast implant as a natural part of your body.

Aesthetic Travel will be glad to arrange an appointment with your Turkish breast augmentation specialist. Enjoy it: pure beauty and relaxation in the beautiful Turkish metropolises.


Breast reduction at renowned cosmetic surgeons in Turkey

While a beautifully shaped breast with ideal proportions is a real eye-catcher and contributes to a woman’s physical well-being and self-confidence, a breast that is too heavy and luxuriant can become a real test. Women often suffer not only psychologically, but also have physical complaints such as muscle tension, headaches, neck and back pains, depending on the development of the breast.

Your breast becomes a burden and you are looking for a specialist who can help you professionally? Our team at Aesthetic Travel will be happy to help you find a suitable aesthetic plastic surgeon! We are in close contact with Turkish cosmetic surgeons who have excellent knowledge in the field of breast reduction. Please contact us immediately. We take care of the placement of a suitable breast expert.

A comprehensive consultation and individual conception of your treatment are preparatory steps for breast reduction.

In the course of the consultation by your plastic surgeon, the correct time for breast reduction is weighed out, among other things. You should have completed your physical growth. Ideal conditions are also given, if the family planning is already finished before the operation, because then the result of the intervention remains lasting and constant. However, if the burden is already very high at a young age, you should also consider an operation at this point.

In addition to a thorough physical examination and the recording of your medical history, your aesthetic plastic surgeon from Turkey will explain his procedure and conduct a comprehensive consultation with you. This includes information about possible risks of the operation, alternative treatments and the costs of breast reduction in Turkey. You will find separate information on our website. This ultimately results in the creation of your personal treatment concept.

Breast reduction – expertly performed by Turkish plastic surgeons

Our cooperating aesthetic plastic surgeons in Turkey have many years of experience in the field of breast reduction and naturally perform the procedures in accordance with the most modern medical and technical standards. They act in your interest and shape your breast according to your personal wishes and ideas.

Breast reduction: Procedure and Technique

As a rule, you will be given general anesthesia for breast reduction surgery. A stationary stay of one to two days is recommended by Turkish cosmetic surgeons. The procedure can vary slightly depending on the size of the breast. This raises the question of whether only excess tissue needs to be removed, whether the nipple needs to be moved or whether liposuction is performed. Your Turkish plastic surgeon will explain you in detail. An anaesthesia team is also present before, during and after the operation to provide professional support.

Relief all along the line

About six months after the plastic surgery it is time to finally assess the result of the breast reduction. Enjoy your custom-made breast, which is on the one hand well formed and on the other hand contributes significantly to the relief of your mental well-being and your body.

Our team at Aesthetic Travel will be happy to arrange an appointment with your Turkish specialist for breast reduction.

You may also be interested in other topics of aesthetic plastic surgery. You are welcome to inform yourself on our website. For example, read the interesting articles on thigh, buttock and abdominoplasty.


With breast lift a beautiful bosom

Every woman wants beautiful, firm breasts – especially when the breasts don’t look the same after pregnancy. Usually, the breasts hang out with age and become flabbier. This is quite normal, because the skin loses its resilience and elasticity over time. This does not have to be the case! At Aestehtic Travel, we offer you the cosmetic surgery of breast lift.

With the help of our professional team of specialists in Turkey, you can enjoy a firm, well-formed bust after the operation. Simply contact us and we will inform you about all details such as costs, treatment procedure and stay in Turkey!


Reasons for a breast lift

Well-formed breasts are an expression of beauty and femininity. The lifting of the female breast (mastopexy) is performed in Turkey as part of cosmetic surgery using aesthetic surgery. Especially pregnancy or a decrease in body weight can influence the elasticity of the bust. But not only optical-aesthetic aspects are focused by our Aestehtic Travel Team in the context of breast lift, rather we consider the whole spectrum and thus your general physical health. Frequently, so-called “sagging breasts” lead to postural problems with back and neck pain.

With the help of the modern technique of breast lift, which we offer you in Turkey, the excess skin is reduced while the actual volume of the breast remains. Of course, parallel breast augmentation can also be targeted if the volume is too low. In addition to the goal of stabilizing your physical health, your desired appearance of the breast and your mental stress factors will also be eliminated.


What must be considered before a breast lift in Turkey?

From a medical point of view, breast lift surgery is generally unproblematic – but the most important prerequisite is that the patient’s growth is complete. Ideally, pregnancy and lactation have already taken place. In general, there should be about 8 months between the end of breastfeeding and breast lift in Turkey.

If you decide for a plastic surgery by our Aestehtic Travel Team, you will learn all important details in advance in a detailed consultation. On the one hand, the different surgical techniques and risks are presented and discussed here, and on the other hand, it can be explained here how the woman imagines her “new” breasts.

How does the breast lift work in Turkey?

The plastic surgery of the breast lift is performed in a hospital in Turkey, the operation is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 2 – 3.5 hours. About twenty different cutting techniques are used for the breast lift – which the surgeon uses depends individually on the patient and is based on several factors. Here both the wishes of the woman and physical condition (e.g. quality of skin and connective tissue, natural breast shape, position of the nipples and much more) are considered.

The least scarring technique is, for example, periareolar lifting, in which the surgeon removes an annular strip of skin around the nipple and then neatly sutures the wound on the uppermost skin layer. Another technique (with the greatest tightening effect) is breast lift using a T-section. The incision is made around the areola, then from the lower edge perpendicular to the breast fold and further inwards and outwards so that a T is formed.

The L-cut, on the other hand, only runs the same way up to the underbust fold, but then it is only continued outwards. In all surgical techniques in Turkey, excess skin is removed and the nipple is moved upwards. Subsequently, a drainage is laid so that blood and secretion can drain off optimally. After 10 days a first follow-up check is carried out, after 4 weeks another one. Shortly after the operation, only sports bras should be worn and sports activities should be avoided for at least 4-6 weeks.

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