

If you have health insurance, you will need to pay the deductible, copay and/or coinsurance set by your health plan. If you have reached your maximum out of pocket or met your deductible for the year or if you have secondary insurance coverage that provides additional coverage, you may not owe anything. Your financial obligations could differ depending on whether the hospital or physicians are "out-of-network," meaning the health plan does not have a contract with them. Please contact your insurance company to understand what your financial obligations will be.


If you do not have health insurance, we will discuss financial assistance options available that could include either a complete write-off or a substantial reduction of the charges in accordance with UI Health's financial assistance programs.


Health plans such as Medicare, Medicaid, workers' compensation, commercial health insurance, etc., do not pay charges. Instead, they pay a set price that has been predetermined or negotiated in advance. You only pay the out-of-pocket amounts set by your health plan.

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We would be happy to host you in our office to have more detailed information about our services.

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